
Thursday 29 August 2013


Lady Gaga haunted by devil

  • Thursday 29 August 2013
  • Funmaza
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  • Lady Gaga haunted by devil 

    Pop star Lady Gaga believes the devil keeps haunting her during sleep.

    The 25-year-old has enlisted the help of Michael Jackson's former doctor and spiritual adviser Deepak Chopra to try to ward off evil spirits from her "terrifying" dreams.

    Chopra helped the late Jackson achieve better sleep and breathing patterns with counselling sessions.

    "I have this recurring dream where there's a phantom in my home and he takes me into a room where there's a blonde girl with ropes tied to her limbs pulling her apart," quoted Gaga as saying.

    "I told Deepak the dream was so terrifying I thought somehow that a devil force was trying to take hold of me," she added.

    Gaga has also asked Chopra to help her achieve her dreams of "going into a coma" and levitating.

    "I want to go into a coma and levitate. I am a very spiritual person. Deepak is the most influential person in my life. His message is a true inspiration. He helps me to reach inside my spirituality and we take it to the next level," she said.
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